What Clothes Do Astronauts Wear In Space

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Astronaut attire is a unique blend of functionality and advanced technology, designed to meet the harsh conditions of space while ensuring the safety and comfort of the wearer. Unlike traditional clothing, space attire must cater to a myriad of needs, including life support, mobility, and protection against the space environment. This guide provides an in-depth look at what astronauts wear in space, including the different types of clothing and gear essential for space missions.

Understanding Space Attire

Space attire, also known as space suits, is crafted to address the extreme conditions encountered beyond Earth’s atmosphere. These conditions include microgravity, radiation, and vacuum, requiring specialized garments to ensure astronaut safety and mission success.

Types of Space Clothing

1. The Space Suit

The primary garment worn by astronauts is the space suit, officially known as the Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU) or the Orlan suit, depending on the space agency. The space suit is a multi-layered system designed to provide life support and protection in the vacuum of space.


  • Color: Typically white, with various patches and markings for identification. The white color reflects sunlight and helps maintain a stable temperature.
  • Layers: Composed of multiple layers, including a thermal layer, pressure layer, and a micrometeoroid layer. These layers serve to insulate, protect, and maintain pressure.
  • Fit: Tailored to provide a snug fit while allowing mobility. Suits are custom-fitted for each astronaut to ensure comfort and functionality.


  • Visor: Equipped with a sun visor to protect against intense sunlight and glare.
  • Communication: Integrated with a communication system allowing astronauts to talk to mission control and other crew members.

Gloves and Boots:

  • Gloves: Designed to provide dexterity while offering protection from extreme temperatures and micrometeoroids.
  • Boots: Space boots are reinforced to handle the rigors of spacewalks and provide comfort and support in microgravity.

Life Support System:

  • Backpack: Contains a life support system providing oxygen and removing carbon dioxide. It also includes a cooling system to regulate the astronaut’s temperature.
  • Air Supply: Ensures a steady flow of breathable air and controls humidity within the suit.

2. The Launch and Re-entry Suit

The launch and re-entry suit, also known as the Launch and Entry Suit (LES) or the pressure suit, is worn by astronauts during launch and re-entry phases.


  • Color: Often bright orange for visibility and safety.
  • Fit: More form-fitting compared to the space suit, designed to be worn over the astronaut’s regular clothing.


  • Pressure Protection: Provides protection against the forces of acceleration and deceleration experienced during launch and re-entry.
  • Life Support: Equipped with a limited life support system to maintain pressure and ensure survival in case of an emergency.

3. The In-Flight Suit

The in-flight suit is worn by astronauts while inside the spacecraft. It is designed for comfort and practicality during long-duration missions.


  • Color: Typically darker, such as navy blue or grey.
  • Fit: Loose-fitting to provide comfort in microgravity and allow for easy movement.


  • Materials: Made from comfortable and breathable fabrics to accommodate long periods of wear.
  • Utility: Includes pockets and compartments for carrying personal items and equipment.

Special Considerations and Tips

Astronauts must adapt to various situations where attire choices are crucial for safety, comfort, and functionality.

1. Spacewalks and Extravehicular Activities (EVAs)

Suiting Up:

  • Preparation: Astronauts spend a significant amount of time preparing and donning their space suits before stepping out of the spacecraft.
  • Checklist: Each component of the suit, including gloves, helmet, and life support systems, is meticulously checked to ensure proper functionality.


  • Constraints: While space suits are designed for mobility, astronauts must practice movements and techniques to perform tasks efficiently in microgravity.
  • Training: Astronauts undergo extensive training in simulators and neutral buoyancy pools to prepare for the challenges of spacewalks.

2. Temperature Regulation and Comfort

Cooling System:

  • Temperature Control: The cooling system within the space suit regulates temperature by circulating water through tubes to absorb and dissipate heat.
  • Comfort: Proper temperature regulation is crucial for maintaining comfort and avoiding overheating or hypothermia.


  • Insulation: The multiple layers of the space suit provide insulation against the extreme temperatures of space.
  • Adjustment: Astronauts can adjust their suit’s cooling system to match the current activity level and environmental conditions.

3. Adapting to Space Environment


  • Clothing Adjustments: In microgravity, astronauts do not need to worry about gravity pulling on their clothing, but they must manage the suit’s fit to prevent it from floating around.
  • Securing Items: Personal items and equipment are secured using Velcro strips or magnetic fasteners to prevent them from drifting away.

Radiation Protection:

  • Shielding: Space suits include materials that provide protection against cosmic radiation and micrometeoroids.
  • Monitoring: Astronauts’ exposure to radiation is monitored to ensure it stays within safe limits.


Astronaut attire is a marvel of engineering and design, crafted to meet the unique challenges of space. From the multifunctional space suit to the practical in-flight suit, every piece of clothing is designed to ensure the safety, comfort, and efficiency of astronauts during their missions.

Understanding the intricacies of space attire highlights the complex requirements of living and working in space. By balancing advanced technology with practicality, astronauts are equipped to handle the rigors of space travel while contributing to our exploration and understanding of the universe. Through thoughtful design and meticulous preparation, space clothing plays a critical role in the success of space missions and the well-being of those who venture beyond our planet.

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